I write crap. I also drum and sing, and I compose crap.


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So. I skipped last month, figured I shouldn’t skip two. At some point I will actually build out this site a little. But then I’ve got to actually have a good reason for so doing, as in, have some actual material of consequence to present and/or some activities to plug.

THAT SAID–it is about time I embark on pursuing publishing, which I have failed to dedicate much time to since I’m always spending what little free time I have actually writing and stuff. Well, that and I know it’s probably a very long and painful slog of sending shit out, getting rejected, and then just doing that over and over again until (maybe) I get lucky. But, gonna do it anyway! I’ve got three things ready for release:

-6:06 AM – short story of the supernatural variety

-Ballot Question #10,001 – not set on that title, it was just The 10,001. Sci-fi (first contact story).

-It’s Better This Way – definitely the darkest thing I’ve written in a while. Short enough I think it can be run as “flash fiction.”

Two things in the works: the first episode/chapter of 2550 (also sci-fi). Takes place out in the Kuiper belt in (you guessed it) the year 2550. I’ve sketched out episodes two, three and four, but the first one is actually almost done. Also, another short story, also particularly dark: One Possible Explanation, also supernatural but grounded in the Israel/Palestine conflict that unfortunately shows no sign of ever being resolved (that is, at least as long as that couch fucker Netanyahu is in charge). Don’t get me wrong, Hamas is fucked too. Anyway.

Although I have not yet played again with Skip, Zou, Purcy and Tim, I have thrown my hat in with Purcy’s enterprise The Eternal Now – Pod 4, which you can find on the FB. So I guess I do have an activity to plug:

This organization will make its debut on October 12 at The Raven in Worcester. If any of y’all have nothing better to do, I will be one of probably a dozen or so people playing in one of probably three different combos (don’t know yet if Skip, Zou and Tim will be present but hopefully they will be because those MFers can PLAY). Modern jazz, third stream, something along those lines, but for me personally, hopefully not jam band type shit. But Purcy knows I ain’t the Phish type. Props to him for having the drive to make The Eternal Now a thing. I love the guy even if he does listen to Phish.

And that is enough from me for right now. As always, thanks for stopping by the BSE online headquarters!